The incoming Director of the Jewish Cultural School at Machar...
Shel Lyons leads our Jewish Cultural School at Machar for ages 2-18. Her lifelong commitment to Jewish values and culture started with her own Jewish education in California, where she attended a conservative religious school, became a bat mitzvah in a reform congregation, participated in a high school Midrasha program including multiple Shabbat retreats, and visited Israel on a Jewish leadership program. While Shel always self-identified as a Jewish Atheist, she found Jewish Humanism during her first pregnancy in concern for raising her future child. After graduating from University of California, Berkeley, Shel earned her J.D. at Harvard Law School in 2004. Since then, she has committed her career to public service including national non-profits, pro bono organizations, and multiple federal agencies. Shel particularly values Machar because of its commitment to inclusiveness, public service, and Jewish community. All four of her children attend the school and are currently in tots through 5th grade.
While I have formal training as a scientist and a lawyer, I also have had many years in the field of Education. I homeschooled our four children, including their Jewish education, while my husband and I traveled throughout Africa and the U.S. National Parks. Moreover, after leading the B'nei Mitzvah class at Machar this past year, I attended NewCAJE where I earned the Certificate for Directors of Education. To earn this certificate, I completed many courses, including: A Workshop for New Ed Directors; Thinking About Goals, Program & Assessment; The Mitzvah of Marketing; Using Holidays & Life Milestones to Involve Children in Philanthropy & Social Justice; Diversifying Our Information on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; The Art of Engaging Families; Using Madrichim (Teen Counselors) in the Inclusive Classroom; and, How & Why a Jewish Educator Solicits for Funds. From all these sessions on Education models, Technology for Education, and Education Management, I feel better prepared to take over the responsibilities as the new director, to add a brand-new Madrichim program at Machar, and to create a Teacher's fund so that we can send all our teachers to NewCAJE next year!
Shel Lyons leads our Jewish Cultural School at Machar for ages 2-18. Her lifelong commitment to Jewish values and culture started with her own Jewish education in California, where she attended a conservative religious school, became a bat mitzvah in a reform congregation, participated in a high school Midrasha program including multiple Shabbat retreats, and visited Israel on a Jewish leadership program. While Shel always self-identified as a Jewish Atheist, she found Jewish Humanism during her first pregnancy in concern for raising her future child. After graduating from University of California, Berkeley, Shel earned her J.D. at Harvard Law School in 2004. Since then, she has committed her career to public service including national non-profits, pro bono organizations, and multiple federal agencies. Shel particularly values Machar because of its commitment to inclusiveness, public service, and Jewish community. All four of her children attend the school and are currently in tots through 5th grade.
While I have formal training as a scientist and a lawyer, I also have had many years in the field of Education. I homeschooled our four children, including their Jewish education, while my husband and I traveled throughout Africa and the U.S. National Parks. Moreover, after leading the B'nei Mitzvah class at Machar this past year, I attended NewCAJE where I earned the Certificate for Directors of Education. To earn this certificate, I completed many courses, including: A Workshop for New Ed Directors; Thinking About Goals, Program & Assessment; The Mitzvah of Marketing; Using Holidays & Life Milestones to Involve Children in Philanthropy & Social Justice; Diversifying Our Information on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; The Art of Engaging Families; Using Madrichim (Teen Counselors) in the Inclusive Classroom; and, How & Why a Jewish Educator Solicits for Funds. From all these sessions on Education models, Technology for Education, and Education Management, I feel better prepared to take over the responsibilities as the new director, to add a brand-new Madrichim program at Machar, and to create a Teacher's fund so that we can send all our teachers to NewCAJE next year!
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