Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Grandparent. Saba/Safta.

Grand-Friends/Grand-Families Program

One of the new programs that I'm starting this year -- and the one that makes me the absolute proudest is the brand-new Grand Friends/Grand Families Program.

Grandparent. סָבָּא. Saba (m). סָבתָא. Safta (f).

Many of the families in the Greater DC are transient, which means our children's grandparents live elsewhere.  Moreover, many of the grandparents who live in DC also have grandchildren who live elsewhere.  For both my husband and myself, all our family is either living in another state or sadly passed away.  Our geographically closest family member is my husband's cousin living near Frederick, Maryland and my cousin living in Baltimore, Maryland.  While, it is nice to see them, our visits average to only a couple times a year. 

“Grandchildren give us a second chance to do things better because they bring out the best in us.” – Unknown

It'd be wonderful to have a close-by family member for our children's sake. So, we are adopting a grand-friend and a Machar grand-friend is adopting us.  Not only is our grand-friend a wonderful Machar member, who we can see more often and can see our children more often, she shares our family values of Jewish Humanism and therefore fundamentally believes in protecting the human dignity of every human being.  (Needless to say, this means that I can know she stands against any sexism, homophobia, or emotional/physical harm against another human being.)  She's like the icing on the cake without the calories.

"Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children." – Alex Haley

This year is the first year we are implementing the Grand-Friends Program, but we have already had almost a dozen grand-friends sign up, and about the same number of families sign up to be matched to a Grand-Friend.  Grand-families will invite a Grand-Friend to at least one family Shabbat in the year, the class Shabbat, the class Spring playdate, and the family High Holiday services.  By building this bridge slowly, I hope that we will experience an even more connected community at Machar.

To sign up for the grand-friends program, to adopt a grand-friend, or to learn more about this wonderful program, please contact us at: http://www.machar.org/contact-us/.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Shana Tovah! Happy New Year!

Apples & Honey

Apples and honey are such a universal symbol of the Jewish New Year that many Jews consider it more of a fundamental requirement to dip apples in honey on the new year that attend services! While, we dip apples in honey, we say to our friends & family ...

Shana Tovah! Happy New Year
As congregations around the world make their services shorter and shorter in response to the demand by their congregants, the one thing that remains is this one, simple, beautiful tradition.

"Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand." -- Mother Teresa

Apples are round and sweet, representing the year as a continuing circle, and perhaps even the Earth's path as it circles the sun in an annual motion, taking one year to complete one revolution.  Honey is nature's sugar in its purest form, requiring no processing for us to enjoy it.  Dipping a sweet apple into the sweetest dip makes our new year even sweeter.  But why apples?  Oranges, grapes, blueberries, are all sweet and round.  In today's world of year-round fruits and vegetables outside their natural season, the choice of the apple seems random.  But, the apple's natural season is in the fall, so it also serves as a reminder to enjoy the fruit of the season, which is best right now, at least in the greater Washington, DC area.

"Life is the flower for which love is the honey." -- Victor Hugo

In spirit of this tradition and in an effort to connect with our community, the Jewish Cultural School held an "Apples & Honey" during the community hour after class today.  The classes were dismissed to the wonderful kitchen space where parents and community members met with each class to dip apples in honey & say "Shana Tova! Happy New Year!"  Thank you to everyone who participated and made it another success.

I'd like to give a huge shout-out to the Machar teens who cut the apples, prepared the plates, and helped make this event so special.  Todah raba to our totally terrific teens! Our next community event is our Jewish used book sale on Sunday, October 9th.  Please join us after class at 11:30 to help us raise money for Machar and the Jewish Cultural School.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sukkot. Feast of Booths.

Community Sukkah Building & Picnic

Every year, Machar has a Sukkot celebration after a JCS session meets.  This year will be no different.  On Sunday, October 23rd, after class, Rabbi Nehama BenMoshe will lead the Machar community with a lulav & etrog and other Sukkot traditions.

Sukkot.  סוכות‎‎. Feast of Booths.

This year we will also have something extra.  As the result of the tireless efforts by our interim Teen Leader, Scott Lyons, our teens will be building a Machar Community Sukkah. Among many details in handled in preparation for this teen opportunity, he researched Montgomery County building requirements.  Thank you, Scott!  As in past years, on October 23rd, Machar will use the JPDS Sukkah for our celebration, but this year we will also be building our own.

“For a seven-day period you shall live in booths, in order that your ensuing generations should know that I had the children of Israel live in booths when I took them out of the land of Egypt.” -- Leviticus 23:42-43
This year, the Machar teens will be focusing on the plight of homelessness.  There's no better place to start that discussion than by building temporary homes (or "booths") with our own hands, and then eating in them on the ground.  While the Sukkah serves as a physical reminder of our wandering ancestors, the Sukkah also brings empathy to those who must live in temporary housing all year. After the seven days of Sukkot (or often much earlier), we can choose to return to our homes with shelter, warmth, and comfort, but many have no homes to which to return.

"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." -- Maya Angelou

After building the Sukkah, the teens will invite the entire Machar community to share in a dairy, Kosher-style picnic.  During that time, the teens will have a chance to reflect on their work in a moderated discussion on homelessness.

  • What are the causes of homelessness and what does it look like in DC, the United States, and the World?
  • What are Jewish responses to homelessness, and what can we do to have a more empathetic understanding of the plight of homelessness?
  • What are our Humanistic values and how to we make sure to honor them in regards to homelessness?

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." -- Aesop

In November, the teens will participate in a Havadalah & Community Service Project where they will celebrate the end of Shabbat, and the put together care packages for the homeless in their neighborhoods.

If you did not receive a personal invitation to the Community Sukkah Building & Picnic, please reach out to Shel Lyons through the form at http://www.machar.org/contact-us/.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Honoring Parents & Other Adults

The Jewish Value of Honoring Adults 

The Torah teaches us to honor parents and other adults in our community.

“Honor your father and mother.” -- Exodus 20:1–21 & Deuteronomy 5:1–23

Rabbi Joshua ben Levi said, “Honor and respect the aged and saintly scholar whose physical powers are broken, equally with the young and vigorous one; for the broken tablets of stone, no less than the whole ones, had a place in the Ark of the Covenant.”

Rabbis of the Palestinian Talmud say:

“Children must support their impoverished parents even if the children themselves are poverty stricken.” -- JT Kiddushin, 1:7 

Last week, many of our classes honored the adults in our community by making a Rosh Hashanah card for an unspecified member of Machar.  The classes discussed and shared the many ways that different adults in our lives help us out, including our parents and other relatives, our teachers and other school staff, and our extended family here at Machar. Students chose to draw a picture, say thank you, or write a card wishing someone a Sweet New Year.  We will be delivering these cards at the next Adult Education session this Sunday, September 25.

Want to join us? 

You can join this movement by picking up a Machar card, a Thank You card, or a blank card at the JCS table in the front lobby of JPDS this Sunday, September 25th. Use the card you choose or a card at home to make the effort to write a note to someone for this Rosh Hashanah, whether inside our community or outside, and deliver it before the Jewish New Year on October 2, 2016. There are so many ways that we can make ourselves a mode of personal service, which demonstrates honor and respect to our parents, elders, and other adult members of the community.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Judaism & Gratitude

Although Judaism has endured its share of challenges as a religion, culture, and community, its traditions and teachings emphatically promote gratitude.

It is too easy, Jewish sources say, to fall back on the simple route of being dissatisfied with life and focusing on what you lack. True gratitude requires an honest accounting of what you do have, an accounting of which, Judaism argues, will allow you to acknowledge the blessings which are a part of your life. Woven into thousands of years of Jewish thought is the overriding idea that taking time to recognize what you have in life is one of the uniquely beneficial rituals we can undertake. Full of aphorisms that teach about the potential for living a more fulfilled life, Pirke Avot (written around the year 200 CE) offers the following:

"Who is rich? Those who rejoice in their own portion." -- Pirke Avot 4:1 

Last week, the Pre-K through 6th Grade classes created gratitude journals so that they can start each JCS session this year with sharing their gratitude with their class or in their journal. This brief reminder to be grateful also allows our teachers to check in with their students after each break between sessions.

Please join our JCS activity by writing something that makes you grateful in the Machar gratitude journal at the JCS table in the front lobby.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Rosh Hashanah. Head of the Year.

New Years & New Beginnings for Gratitude, Mitzvot, & Community

This year, the Jewish New Year will start at sundown on October 2, 2016.

Rosh Hashanah.  רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה. Head of the Year. 

Our classes discussed and will discuss the High Holidays, including Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) in both today’s session & during our next JCS session on Sunday, September 25, 2016 from 10 -11:30.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Chinese proverb.

A new year is new, because it has never occurred before & will never occur again. It is like a single day or a single breath; it happens and once it is gone, it will never be repeated. There is a continuity in our becoming by virtue of the memories we carry of the past, but there is also a discontinuity, because each day is different from the others, with its own moods, challenges, and achievements.

"Today is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one." -- Brad Paisley.

Rosh Hashanah is a time to pause and be present. It’s a time to stop the days from merging into a continuity of routine. This reflection during the High Holidays offers us a chance to turn around, begin anew, and draw a new breath.

What can you do to take part in our JCS lesson of the day? 

Please take a deep breath, think about the year, and join our classes who will be talking about Rosh Hashanah & what that newness means to them. As we hear the call of the shofar, let us open our hearts into fresh possibilities.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hu-Jew CAMP EXPO Sunday!

I'm thrilled to remind everyone that our first annual 2016 Machar Secular Humanistic Jewish Camp Expo will be this Sunday!

Camps for ages 2-18 are included!

On Sunday, September 11, 2016, immediately following classes, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, the Camp Expo will be in the lobby. The camps that will be represented have all been included on a selected, invitation-only basis. I personally wrote to each camp director to explain Secular Humanistic Judaism and ensure that Hu-Jews would be welcome!

Tot Camp
Beth Adler visits from 16620 Georgia Avenue, Olney, MD 20832. It’s a Reggio-inspired program that focuses on exploration & nature!

Service Camps
MITZVAH CORPS | Grades 10-College
Summer 2017 sites will be around the US & World. It provides social justice experiences to enact real change.

American Jewish Society for Service (AJSS) is nationwide. It’s the only pluralistic, immersive service program.

Overnight Camps 
Rachel Eilbaum visits from 6 Sprout Lake Camp Rd, Verbank, NY 12585 for a camp that encourages commitment to Judaism.

Vallie Rourke visits from 52 Lake Marie Rd. Liberty NY 12754 for a kibbutz camp in the Catskill Mts based on secular Jewish values.

CAMP JUDAEA| Ages 6-14
David Berlin visits from 48 Cam Judaea Lane, Hendersonville, NC 28792 for an Israel camp in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mts.

CAMP MOSHAVA | Grades 3-10
 Abby Cohen visits from 615 Cherry Hill Road, Street, MD 21154 for a kibbutz camp dedicated to inclusion & social justice.

 Matthew & Casey visit from159 Empire Road, Copake, NY 12516 for a value-based, inclusive Jewish camp on a 640-acre site.

 Julia and Rochelle visit us from 392 Dennytown Rd, Putnam Valley, NY 10579. Eden is the first and only farm to table Jewish summer camp!

CAMP JRF | Grades 3-12
Alan Brody visits us from 108 Rabbi Jeff Way, South Sterling PA 18460. Camp JRF offers a chance to explore Judaism.

CAPITAL CAMPS | Grades 2-12
Laurie Mackey visits from 12750 Buchanan Trail East, Waynesboro, PA17268 for a challenging and creative camp to nurture growth.

CAMP ZEKE | Ages 7-17
Samantha Gilbert visits us from 31 Barry Watson Way, Lakewood, PA 18439 for a camp with athletics, organic foods, and culinary arts.

Please attend our Camp Expo, ask questions, and give me feedback to make next year's Expo even better!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Last of all...

The incoming Director of the Jewish Cultural School at Machar...

Shel Lyons leads our Jewish Cultural School at Machar for ages 2-18.  Her lifelong commitment to Jewish values and culture started with her own Jewish education in California, where she attended a conservative religious school, became a bat mitzvah in a reform congregation, participated in a high school Midrasha program including multiple Shabbat retreats, and visited Israel on a Jewish leadership program.  While Shel always self-identified as a Jewish Atheist, she found Jewish Humanism during her first pregnancy in concern for raising her future child.  After graduating from University of California, Berkeley, Shel earned her J.D. at Harvard Law School in 2004.  Since then, she has committed her career to public service including national non-profits, pro bono organizations, and multiple federal agencies. Shel particularly values Machar because of its commitment to inclusiveness, public service, and Jewish community.  All four of her children attend the school and are currently in tots through 5th grade.

While I have formal training as a scientist and a lawyer, I also have had many years in the field of Education. I homeschooled our four children, including their Jewish education, while my husband and I traveled throughout Africa and the U.S. National Parks.  Moreover, after leading the B'nei Mitzvah class at Machar this past year, I attended NewCAJE where I earned the Certificate for Directors of Education.  To earn this certificate, I completed many courses, including: A Workshop for New Ed Directors; Thinking About Goals, Program & Assessment; The Mitzvah of Marketing; Using Holidays & Life Milestones to Involve Children in Philanthropy & Social Justice; Diversifying Our Information on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; The Art of Engaging Families; Using Madrichim (Teen Counselors) in the Inclusive Classroom; and, How & Why a Jewish Educator Solicits for Funds.  From all these sessions on Education models, Technology for Education, and Education Management, I feel better prepared to take over the responsibilities as the new director, to add a brand-new Madrichim program at Machar, and to create a Teacher's fund so that we can send all our teachers to NewCAJE next year!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bimah. Stage.

I've had a chance to introduce a few of our amazing team of teachers on this blog, but I want to make sure to introduce the rest before school starts.  This group is truly a gift to our school, and I feel so honored to be working with each and every one of them!

בּימה. Bimah. Stage.

First, starting this year, we have a Music Director. Taking this position will be one of our returning teachers, Scott Lyons.  Scott first started taking guitar lessons when he was 13 years old. He picked it up again five years ago when he received a new guitar as a gift from his family.  With a degree in Middle Eastern Studies and graduate degrees in both Law and International Affairs, Scott is an adjunct professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, where he teaches about corruption issues in international health services.  His passions are photography, tennis, and hiking. Scott has hiked over 200 miles of the Appalachian Trail.  His favorite sports teams are the L.A. Dodgers baseball team and the University of Michigan football team.  He has taught Hebrew school, Sunday school, and Jewish high school (Midrasha), and has visited Israel on four different occasions, including living there for a year.

"All the World's a stage." -- William Shakespeare

Our tots teacher will be returning teacher Heather Gale.  Heather has taught with Machar for multiple years and we are thrilled to have her back this year, particularly in the role as our new Tots teacher.  Heather's passion and heart is for the younger kids, so it is a perfect fit!

Next, our Prek/K teacher this year is Alece Rockler.  She is quite passionate about the education of young children.  Alece has been teaching PreK/K children  for over 15 years.  Alece writes, "The exploration of their ever expanding world  is something that I love to be a part of. I hope to serve as a beginning guide  to  the  Machar children as they begin to discover what being Jewish means  to  them."

"Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well." -- Aristotle

Our 1st/2nd grade teacher is Kat Zamore. Kat works in DC Public Schools as a school psychologist and is excited to the Machar team this fall. She completed undergraduate studies in Psychology and Spanish, as well as a masters degree in Human Development and Educational Specialist degree in School Psychology and has lived abroad in Morocco, Spain and the Galapagos Islands.  Kat loves pottery and is training for her first full marathon this winter and can’t wait to meet all the Machar members and her new first & second grade students!

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." -- Albert Einstein

Our Fourth Grade teacher is Ziv Kaufman.  Ziv born in Israel and moved to LA when he was 10. After high school, Ziv returned to Israel and served in the Israeli Air Force. He then returned to Los Angeles, California, where he finished his degree at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).  Ziv then moved to Washington, DC for graduate studies in Security Policy Studies at GWU. Besides writing and publishing many articles about foreign affairs and national security, Ziv interned at Center for Strategic and International studies and the National Defense University. He has teaching experience at JPDS and with the U.S. military.

Last, but not least, our sixth grade teacher this year is returning teacher, Sarah Jill Bashein, LGSW.  SJ holds a masters degree in social work and serves as the Regional Manager for the Petey Greene Program, a nonprofit that provides academic support to incarcerated persons. She is a resident of Washington, D.C., and this will be her second year teaching 6th grade with Machar. Sarah Jill is passionate about art, music, and travel, as well as social justice. She has been working with and teaching children in varied settings for ten years, and is thrilled to be joining the Machar education team again for the coming year!

All of our teachers will be there this coming Sunday, September 11th at our first class! 

Please make a special extra effort get to know the teachers in our community.  Beyond the classroom hours, they are often using their own time to plan lessons, learn about Secular Humanistic Judaism, purchase supplies, attend events, and get to know your children.  One way to show your appreciation is to contribute to our brand-new Teacher Fund.  Learn about it and more at 10 AM at the general assembly.