Sunday, August 7, 2016

Art Armageddon -- Coolest School in the World!

I have started stock-piling high quality, brand-new, beautiful art supplies for the year.  I'll be spending multiple days in August cleaning out our art closet.  I have learned that, no, summer time is not "downtime" for educators.  I've been a busy bumblebee: finding, interviewing, and hiring new teachers; reviewing and editing curriculum; attending professional development workshops; meeting with various members of our community; contacting prospective families; planning a teacher training (August 28 at my house!); reaching out to potential teen teachers for a brand-new Madrichim (counselor) program; applying for programs that will benefit our community (grants, fellowships, free trainings); putting together a 2016 Camp Expo for ages 2-18 (September 11th at 11:30!); and, shopping everywhere for sales (always with a coupon in hand!) so we can make heirloom pieces to beautify our homes while reminding us of a meaningful moment.  I have a newfound respect for educators everywhere as I try to pinch pennies -- not for myself but for the community -- as I try to discover projects that will be enjoyed and cherished!

Mod podge, high-quality gel pens, paints & more!

Wondering what's in that brown paper package?  It's a laminator for all of Machar.  Laminators have so many purposes.  We can create signs and reminders for students and adults that can be used for the whole year (or longer).  We can protect artwork so it can be framed or put on the fridge door without worry! We can allow games and learning tools to be used again and again!  Do you have a song sheet that you want to preserve for future Shabbats?  Do you need a permanent sign for Machar events?  Do you hope to protect a special Machar card?  Ask me and I'll make sure you get use of the laminator!  This investment is a great and affordable (under $25!) purchase for our community!

Can you spot the bird feeder?  It's to the far left of the photo!  Come on Sunday, September 11 by 10 AM (the program starts at 10) to learn how feeding a bird can benefit Machar, the community, and YOU!  All adults (after students are dismissed to class) will be invited to this playground of imagination, possibilities, and bonding!

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