Monday, August 29, 2016

Shavua Tov. A good week.

Teacher Training was a Total Success!

After a month of preparations for our teacher training, I'm thrilled to report that it was a total success.  Formalizing the staff training at Machar was one of my number one priorities when I applied to the job.  I reiterated this idea during a large panel interview.  Happily, my predecessor agreed and enthusiastically supported me. 

"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." -- Confucius

Teacher trainings are critical at the Jewish Cultural School (JCS) for at least three reasons:

(1) To educate the teachers about Machar policies and Secular Humanistic Judaism;
(2) To create an atmosphere of community where teachers have resources for lessons plans, feedback, and support; and
(3) To prevent any issues at the school, and to have a plan if there are any problems (this last part being the lawyer in me trying to prevent liability!).

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
― Benjamin Franklin

We discussed everything from lesson plans to dress codes to professional development!  While it started with an important (too brief!) introduction to Secular Humanistic Judiasm (right after an important ice breaker), we quickly covered teacher assessments, class schedules, and curriculum, too!

I felt great when I ended right on time at 8:30 -- respecting teacher's time is the first part in asking them to respect ours!  We had checked off every list on my agenda (plus some -- there were great questions!) and we accomplished an art project (decorating the beginning of year gifts -- teacher toolboxes).

Shavua tov! To a Good Week!

When we generally say "shavua tov" to our friends and family, we are acknowledging the end of a peaceful Shabbat rest and the beginning of a busy and wonderful week.  For me, it means much more.  While my summer was busier than I could imagine in preparing for the year, I am looking
forward to an engaging & wonderful school year!

JCS Teachers' Dreams

Our team of teachers is fabulous, and that's definitely the number one reason that I'm looking forward to the year.  I cannot share every agenda item on the blog, but I do want to share one antedote from our teacher training.

As a break from the heavy agenda on evaluations, security, and curricula, I decided to ask the teachers to create an anonymous post-it note board on their dreams for our school.  Machar is a wonderful community and for the most part, all of our teachers have always loved teaching at JCS.  We normally have about (or more than!) 50% of our teachers returning.  Considering that Washington, DC is a very transient city, that percentage is quite impressive.  However, one of my goals is to get us to a 75% (or more!) retention rate every year. 

In that spirit, I asked our team of teachers some of their dreams for the school and for themselves.  I was hoping to get a better idea of how we, as a community, can better to support our teachers.  Many teachers wrote about professional development to benefit Machar, their students, and the community. 

One request that spoke quite loudly to me was for professional "teacher training on ideas in secular humanism".

Yes! Yes! Yes!  These teachers get it! 

Our team of teachers are truly trying to give 100% of their energy, time, and expertise to the students -- our future generation!  Unfortunately, I cannot provide that level of expertise on Secular Humanistic Judaism, but there is an Institute with of Secular Humanistic Judaism. It would be fabulous addition to our school to send our teachers to a seminar, online class, or conference every year so that we can provide formal training on a wonderful movement(Of note, not a single teacher wrote higher salary or paid benefits on the post-it notes! I believe it's not that they are undervaluing those perks, but that they truly value giving back to the school, the congregation, and the Humanistic Jewish community as a whole.)

Our first session is coming up on the 11th!  Please ask me about our brand-new Teacher Fund, so we can send our teachers to a critical formal trainings on Secular Humanism & on Jewish Education!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Lev Tahor, A Pure Heart

Beautifying Our Space 

This past week has been busy clearing out the old and making room for the new!

לב טהור (Lev Tahor) A Pure Heart

The Before Picture
It has felt great to sort through our supplies, throwing out everything that we don't need, and making room for all our gorgeous supplies.  Coming in as the new director after our wonderful director emeritus, Debby, was there for almost a decade, meant that there was a lot to sort out.  In the past, understandably, Machar teachers relied on printed teacher guides.  Now, with the diversity and ease of finding teacher resources online, those outdated papers had to be recycled!

From the before picture, you can see how we left our supply closet at the end of last year.  We had a lot of fun throughout the year, but ended up throwing everything in there as we packed up for the summer. Where are the scissors, the pens, the glue, the paper, the fun art projects, the books?  I spent all last year leading our special b'nei mitzvah course, and was unaware of some supplies after a year, simply because we couldn't find them.  One issue, I realized, was that the bags holding the materials were hard to sort, impossible to find, and unfortunately, deteriorating.  So...

The After Picture
I bought us new clear plastic storage containers. It will protect our supplies, make them easy to see (and sort!), and allow us to stack them better.  They worked out so well that I may buy us a few more plastic drawers.  Now, the glue sticks are in the bottom drawer, the liquid glue is in the next drawer, the markers are in the next drawer, and the top drawer is for the craft sticks.  I also got some smaller plastic bins with covers, as well for colored pencils, tape, scissors, and yarn.

"Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy." -- Author Unknown

After three days of sorting, cleaning, and figuring out storage solutions, I am very happy with the results!  When I look at this picture, and I see the school books neatly sorted by titles (so our teachers can use them for their classes), the holidays supplies all in their own separate boxes, it thrills me. Most of all, it makes me happy because it's filled to the brim with wonderful supplies for the year.

“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” -- Albert Einstein

It also, and perhaps more importantly, makes me appreciate Debby (and all the time and energy she gave to Machar) even more.  I thought hiring & training teachers, figuring out supplies for the year (along with the budget), and planning for the first day of school was exhausting.  I had no idea how overwhelming that closet would be to tackle.  Originally, I set aside only a few hours on Wednesday, but it soon became apparent that it was a full time job.  Truthfully, the only thing that kept me going is knowing how wonderful it would make the rest of the year together.

If you are interested in helping the Jewish Cultural School with supplies, we can use random buttons (they make for great crafts).  We can also use high-quality materials to help our students and teachers with the Hebrew component of our curriculum.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Uplan. Hebrew School

More of our AMAZING Team of Teachers

I'm so amazed by our team of teachers.  It's a great group!  I've already introduced Debby, our B'nei Mitzvah teacher.  Today, I'd like to introduce Eliana (our 3rd grade teacher) and Noa (our 5th grade teacher).

אולפ (Uplan) Hebrew School

While Noa joined us mid-year to graciously and gracefully take over our 4th grade class, Eliana is new this year.  Noa received accolades from students and teachers alike, so I was thrilled when she agreed to return to Machar this year.  Since the students didn't get a chance to know Noa for the entire year, it made the most sense that she stayed with them for another year to 5th grade.  Eliana  responded to an advertisement that Machar placed throughout the greater Washington, DC area.  Immediately upon meeting her, I felt that her positive energy, past experience, and embracing attitude meshed well with Machar's mission and community.

"I am not a teacher, but an awakener." -- Robert Frost

In future posts, I will be introducing our other teachers, but for now, welcome to Eliana and Noa! 


Eliana is new to D.C., moving here after graduating from Cornell University. She grew up in a modern orthodox community but found herself turning to science and reason, leading her to align with the values of Machar and Secular Humanistic Judaism. She is currently researching at the National Institutes of Health before heading to Medical school. Eliana has led discussions for "Ask Big Questions," an organization devoted
to creating conversation among diverse groups along cultural, religious, and racial divides.

From Eliana:

I enjoy art, and learning new things and can't wait for the school year to begin!

"A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart." -- Author unknown


My eldest was unlucky enough to lose her Machar teacher mid-year last year when a personal issue arose.  However, she was lucky enough that the teacher who replaced her was Noa.  Every Sunday that Machar met, I would hear about her cool Jewish Cultural School teacher.  Anyone with a 4th grader can relate to the elated feeling I got when my daughter tells me that Jewish Cultural School is fun, interesting, and exciting.  However, I knew that Noa currenty is a full-time student, so I wasn't sure that she would be able to continue.  When she told me that she'd be honored to return to Machar, my daughter and I were both celebrating!
From Noa:

Originally from Massachusetts, I'm a senior at American University here in D.C. and concentrating in international environmental studies and Spanish. I learned Hebrew from my father, a kibbutznik from the north of Israel. I'm excited to return to Machar this year, following my former fourth graders into the fifth grade!

Welcome Eliana & Noa!!!

Please make an effort to get to know our teachers after school during our community time.  As many of our teachers rely on public transportation, it is particularly thoughtful to inquire if they live nearby and when possible to offer them a ride.  Moreover, many teachers are new to DC and would appreciate invitations to Shabbat and holiday meals.  Finally, remember that our teachers work hard during the week to prepare lessons, communicate their progress, and attend various unpaid events at Machar; sharing your gratitude for their generous gifts to our students is always welcome!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

B'reshit. In the Beginning.

Our school year at the Jewish Cultural School (JCS) is starting soon!

B'reshit.  In the Beginning.

There are all the signs of a great year to come: our teachers are busy creating curriculum and lesson plans, our parents are enrolling students, our madrichim (teen teachers) are applying to the program, and our students are curious about the school, too.

"Knowledge is Power." -- Sir Francis Bacon

Where do you go to find out more info about JCS?  Besides this blog, a twitter feed, our Facebook page, and regular emails, there is a brand-new newsletter available for pick-up at every class.
Our First Newsletter

Every time JCS meets, we will have a newsletter for you to pick-up in the front lobby table, where there will also be a sign-in sheet, a gratitude journal for adults, artwork from our classes, and information on how YOU can be more involved!

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!" -- Anne Frank

Our first newsletter introduces our amazing team of teachers, shares tips on celebrating the Rosh Hashanah holiday, and welcomes you to participate in our brand-new grand-friend program.

Please pick up YOUR copy of the JCS Newsletter before our first class on Sunday, September 11th.  Remember to arrive *by* 10 AM for a community-wide introduction & experience.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

T'zedakah! Charity!

 What do Gratitude Journals have to do with Social Justice?

At New CAJE, I took a course titled, "Using Holidays & Life Milestones to Involve Children in Philanthropy & Social Justice."  Machar prides itself on its commitment to social justice. For that reason, while New CAJE offered dozens of options each session, it's not surprising I ended up choosing this class on a Tuesday afternoon.

  T'zedakah!  Charity!

The session was led by Sharon Morton, the founder of Grandparents for Social Action.  To begin the class, she showed a video with beautiful pictures of nature, families, and people working together.  It created a feeling of gratitude.  Now what does gratitude for our own lives have to do with giving back?

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them." -- John F. Kennedy

It turns out that when we are more grateful for the family, people, and community that has supported us, we realize that we have received the gifts that we owe back to others. This concept makes intuitive sense to me, although I have not been able to find any proof of it from my own internet searches.  However, I have found proof that grateful people are more empathetic, and compassion is a part of tzedakah (charity).  In addition, there are countless other benefits, including better health, higher happiness levels, and improved self-esteem.

"Etenim, iudices, cum omnibus virtutibus me adfectum esse cupio, tum nihil est quod malim quam me et esse gratum et videri. haec enim est una virtus non solum maxima sed etiam mater virtutum omnium reliquarum." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero (The being and appearing grateful... For this virtue is not only the greatest of virtues, but also the mother of all others.)

Gratitude Charm Bracelets & Rocks Are "Grate" Reminders!
I thus feel strongly that gratitude must be a part of Machar: it's curriculum and it's culture. If we want to raise a generation of humanists, let us raise a grateful generation.

With all these lessons in mind, we will be making gratitude journals on our first class on Sunday, September 11th. Students will be invited to share one thing that makes them grateful every time we meet.  At the end of the year, they will bring home their journals.

Monday, August 8, 2016

(Re)introducing... Our B'nei Mitzvah Teacher

Debby Brennan, our b'nei mitzvah teacher, is very close to my heart.  She is our outgoing Director of the Jewish Cultural School, after serving in that role for almost a decade.  She is staying on to lead one of the most exciting, but challenging curricula at our school.  We all appreciate the continuing part she is playing in our school and our community as a whole.
Debby, Our Beloved Director Emeritus
From Debby:
I grew up in upstate New York, spent at least a year on a kibbutz in Israel, attended law school in Chicago, IL. and was a corporate attorney for 12 years. I moved to Washington, DC, and have taught in three inner city charter high schools. I am currently Chair of the English Department at Washington Math Science Technology PCHS. I have three children and two grandchildren. In my spare time, I am an avid bike rider. I am very excited to teach the b'nei mitzvah class, and I hope that our discussions are interesting and productive, all leading to b'nei mitzvah ceremonies in the Spring!

Debby, we all look forward to seeing you next month!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Art Armageddon -- Coolest School in the World!

I have started stock-piling high quality, brand-new, beautiful art supplies for the year.  I'll be spending multiple days in August cleaning out our art closet.  I have learned that, no, summer time is not "downtime" for educators.  I've been a busy bumblebee: finding, interviewing, and hiring new teachers; reviewing and editing curriculum; attending professional development workshops; meeting with various members of our community; contacting prospective families; planning a teacher training (August 28 at my house!); reaching out to potential teen teachers for a brand-new Madrichim (counselor) program; applying for programs that will benefit our community (grants, fellowships, free trainings); putting together a 2016 Camp Expo for ages 2-18 (September 11th at 11:30!); and, shopping everywhere for sales (always with a coupon in hand!) so we can make heirloom pieces to beautify our homes while reminding us of a meaningful moment.  I have a newfound respect for educators everywhere as I try to pinch pennies -- not for myself but for the community -- as I try to discover projects that will be enjoyed and cherished!

Mod podge, high-quality gel pens, paints & more!

Wondering what's in that brown paper package?  It's a laminator for all of Machar.  Laminators have so many purposes.  We can create signs and reminders for students and adults that can be used for the whole year (or longer).  We can protect artwork so it can be framed or put on the fridge door without worry! We can allow games and learning tools to be used again and again!  Do you have a song sheet that you want to preserve for future Shabbats?  Do you need a permanent sign for Machar events?  Do you hope to protect a special Machar card?  Ask me and I'll make sure you get use of the laminator!  This investment is a great and affordable (under $25!) purchase for our community!

Can you spot the bird feeder?  It's to the far left of the photo!  Come on Sunday, September 11 by 10 AM (the program starts at 10) to learn how feeding a bird can benefit Machar, the community, and YOU!  All adults (after students are dismissed to class) will be invited to this playground of imagination, possibilities, and bonding!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Shalom! Peace!

Invitation to Humanists in the Greater Washington, DC Area:


Shalom.  Peace.

Many of us in the greater Washington, DC area are looking to create nurturing, welcoming, and social justice minded communities in DC.  Well, I found one! 

I first found Machar on  I was looking for a job, and they were looking for a teacher, but we both found something greater.  After a year of leading the B'nei Mitzvah class, attending various events, and having my children attend the school, I realized that Machar is a way of life.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi

When the school director of almost a decade stepped down, I asked to step up.  It'll be hard to fill her shoes, but I'm bringing in an open mind, lots of energy, and a sincere love for this group.  It's an interfaith, multiracial, multifaceted, LGBT+ prideful, humane, culturally (not religiously) Jewish culturally organization. They offer a every-other-Sunday Sunday school, which seems to be the perfect balance in having a continuous community without becoming a challenge in over scheduling. At the school, we teach about holidays, values, history, refugees/immigration -- but more than that, we give a feeling of community where we all care about service.

"Teach the children... so it will not be necessary to teach the adults." -- Abraham Lincoln

While Machar does offer a wonderful Adult Education program, our members are already very invested in Jewish values of compassion, charity, and service.  We provide a community of like-minded individuals who celebrate our differences.

If you have kids that are 2 or older, I welcome you to try out our cultural school for free on Sunday, September 11, and see if you want to enroll.  Please contact us in advance at:

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Todah! Thank you!

An open letter to the Machar community of Washington, DC:

I hope to use this blog to share more about our Jewish Cultural School in the future, but for my first post, I had something more important to say. 

Todah.  Thank you.

Todah for hiring me as the incoming Director for the Jewish Cultural School.  Todah for trusting me with your children, with hiring your children's teachers, and with your children's Jewish education.  Today, I especially want to say todah for sending me to NewCAJE -- the conference for Jewish Educators.  There, beyond the countless art project ideas, the lessons on managing staff, the classes on raising Jewish philanthropists, the sessions on running a school, I learned that experience means more than curriculum.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -- Maya Angelou 

The time together with other Jewish educators, just remembering my own Jewish education, allowed me to take that idea to heart, and learn how to better connect with our amazing team of teachers and show them how to better connect with our amazing group of students, who in turn will remind us how to better connect with our whole community.

Machar is one of the most beautiful places I've found in my life.  It's a place full of enlightened and intelligent people with compassion, tolerance, and kindness.  It's the place to raise your children if you care about humanity, dignity, and goodness; if you want our future generations to value service over self; if you believe in social justice for all.  Every month, there is at least one new way a member of our group is working to give, help, and advocate for others.  Before anything else, Machar is a community.

“How wonderful that no one need to wait a single moment to improve the world.” -- Anne Frank

I absolutely hope to instill Jewish secular humanistic values, cover the curriculum laid out by the Society for Humanistic Judaism and Machar, teach the Hebrew language, and have an activity for every Jewish holiday throughout the year ... BUT, before any of that takes place, I hope to share an experience, a feeling, and a sense of belonging that's beyond any book, any lesson, or any classroom... BECAUSE if our students feel good being a Jewish humanist, we will be creating lifelong Jewish humanists.

PLEASE attend in person our community meeting on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 10 AM in the large assembly room, so I can say "Todah" in person and we can all share a unique Machar experience together.